- April 15, 2017
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com
Mom always told her to be careful when in darkness. But she feared light more. For darkness was infamous, but light brought more harm.
She could hide herself in darkness but light revealed everything , the ‘predators’ behind familiar faces and dual faced ‘diplomats’ behind the loved ones.
...Freedom At Last
- April 01, 2017
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by Rulo Davila on Pexels.com
She hesitantly went inside the cosmetics shop and bought the latest cosmetics with a child like glee.
The accidental death of her ‘sadist’ husband set her free. Her new found freedom had brought her happiness that she hadn’t known before.
...The Jealous Kid
- March 28, 2017
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com
“Maa whom do you love more, me or bhaiyya?”.
“I love you both equally”.
“You are lying, I know you love bhaiyya more”, said the jealous kid.
“Wait till you have your own kids”, said maa with a little pain in her voice.
Years later, a doting wife asked her husband, “whom do you...
- March 27, 2017
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
The young couple looked at the children, all neatly dressed and standing in a line. Each child longing for love and each one secretly desiring to be ‘adopted’.
Tender hearts kept beating faster till the selection process went on. At last one turned lucky while the wait for the rest continued.
...The Umbilical Cord Connect
- March 26, 2017
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by Barbara Olsen on Pexels.com
He was dancing watching his favourite Bollywood song on the TV and she was dancing to the same tune while rolling out chapatis in the kitchen.
It was the same song she used to dance to while carrying him. Guess….. it was the ‘umbilical cord connect’.
...The Woman In Veil
- March 19, 2017
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by luiisrtz on Pexels.com
She put on a long veil to avoid getting recognised on her first date.
It was perfectly romantic until the ‘protectors’ came to save the culture. A verbal dual was followed by a slight push from the hill to set the couple right.
As she fell down ‘accidentally’, one of the ‘protectors’ noticed...
- February 22, 2017
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com
The gentle tapping on the tummy wasn’t answered with a kick anymore. She remembered the forced termination and tears rolled down. It was over.
It isn’t easy being a girl after all. Her fight for survival starts from the womb itself.
...Just A Little Time
- February 21, 2017
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com
“What do you want me to bring for you this time?”, she texted.
“Nothing”. Her replies were always prompt.
“Designer clothes?”.
“Branded shoes?”
“Household items or electronic gadgets?”.
“Not interested…..But..if you insist I want you to give me something that is very precious. In fact all my friends have it but I don’t.”
“And what...
Love On Road Trip
- February 21, 2017
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by olga Volkovitskaia on Pexels.com
The fight about ‘she’ being GPS challenged came to an abrupt end on their road trip when the radio played their love song. In an instant they forgot their fight and exchanged lovely smiles.
It had been 20 years since they got married. Love didn’t age. It just got better and...
Love Gone Wrong
- February 20, 2017
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com
“What’s cooking?” asked the husband, who came back from work earlier than expected.
The wife , startled to see him early, said “a romantic story………gone wrong”.
“Love gone kaput? Who is the culprit?”, he asked.
“The wife”, she said, slowly picking up her cleaver and smiling menacingly.
A shadow crept from behind and hit him...