- February 13, 2021
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Tired of hiding, he pulled off his mask of pretence to reveal his true identity.
Though he was afraid that it could tarnish his image permanently,yet he took the risk to breathe freely.
Everyone was concerned as to what went wrong with...
- February 11, 2021
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
He was a successful sound recordist who had a huge collection of sounds in his library. His favourite one was his own heartbeat.Very rhythmic. He felt alive listening to it.
He tried to record the sound of his broken heart once,...
यह आकाश…
- February 06, 2021
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
जैसे हथेलियों से फिसलता हुआ रेत वैसे ही यह आकाश है,
कभी एक छोर से दूसरे छोर तक दिखता, पर अब तो सिमटता हुआ सा यह आकाश है,
इस कंक्रीट जंगल में जगह बनाती हुई यह नई ईमारत और मेरी...
- January 17, 2021
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
The new luxurious apartment building stood tall and strong and looked majestic. It was an architectural marvel, that was to house the rich and the famous.
The newspapers carried full page articles praising the artisans and creators while they still...
- January 17, 2021
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
He was taught the difference between right and wrong, white and black well. It was firmly ingrained in his brain until he grew up to see the picture clearly.
On a closer look, he found the lines blurring to intermingle...
- January 08, 2021
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Lipstick is my favourite accessory.
It brightens my lips and makes my face glow and light,
It brightens my mood and makes it shine and bright,
Keeps the secrets in my heart intact and seals my lips,
Enhances the colour of...