- April 14, 2024
- by
- admin_chubbylittlegirl
Photo by u0412u0435u043du0438u0430u043cu0438u043d u041au0443u0440u043eu0447u043au0438u043d on
Today I noticed something ,
The skin below my chin ,
Crinkled faster on stroking ,
And was slower on firming ,
The first lines of old age
Finally made their appearance ,
Ah! there is a certain sadness ,
For, now I realise ,
I gained some experience ,
But lost a few opportunities too ,
For, now I realise ,
I have lived some years ,
But my days are numbered too ,
I gained a lot, lost a few ,
Contented in some and regretted a few ,
So I want to live more ,
But not long ,
Love more ,
For, that is the only thing ,
I want to carry along.